"Akaike's Information Criterion is a criterion for selecting among nested econometric models."
About, Inc. (2006)
"An index used in a number of areas as an aid to choosing between competing models. It is defined as
"Akaike (1973) defined the most well-known criterion as AIC = - ln L + p, where L is the likelihood for an estimated model with p parameters."
Hjorth (1994)
"When a model involving q parameters is fitted to data, the criterion is defined as -2Lq + 2q, where Lq is the maximised log likelihood. Akaike suggested maximising the numbers of parameters. It was originally proposed for time-series models, but has also been used in regression."
Marriott (1990), A Dictionary of Statistical Terms
"Criterion, introduced by Akaike in 1969, for choosing between competing statistical models. For categorical data this amounts to choosing the model that minimizes G2 - 2v, where G2 is the likelihood-ratio goodness-of-fit statistic v is the number of degrees of freedom associated with the model."
Upton and Cook (2002)
"The Akaike information criterion (AIC) (pronounced, approximately, ah-kah-ee-kay), developed by Professor Hirotugu Akaike (?? ??) in 1971 and proposed in 1974, is a statistical model fit measure."
Wikipedia (2006)